Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Year

It's 2013. Which sort of blows my mind, but means a new start!

Our plan is to do a Reboot/Juicing Fast here in the next few weeks. A lot of great juicing items are about to come into season so it will be the perfect time. I'm also hoping to get into doing some more crafty things around the house (Pinterest is addicting...). It's my goal during our juicing to post daily updates including juice recipes and new ideas.

I'm also going to work at getting back into my food challenges. Though my work schedule has shifted so it won't be Tues/Thurs. Thursday will still stick, but Tuesday might shift to Sunday or Monday. I'll work out the details soon.

Everyone is posting about their resolutions for 2013, but I'm going to set goals this year.

1) NO MORE DAIRY - well, no more cow's milk based dairy. It seems my digestive system can handle goats milk. But we're going to experiment with that some more after we do our juicing.

2) Cut back on white, refined, processed foods - this one is important to me because Logician cannot have gluten. It gives me the opportunity to expand my horizons more and to eat more natural wholesome foods. So this year my goal is to cut down on breads, potatoes (white), and to try to eat more brown than white rice.

3) Juice at least three times a week - this one is important as I need to continual shot of nutrients!

4) Lose weight and get fit.

5) Get outdoors - helping bring a farm into fruition (more on that later) will be really helpful for this goal!

So there's some, we'll see how I do!


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