Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Food Find

We received a very generous gift card to our grocer over the holidays and decided we would let ourselves wander the entire store and look for new or exciting things we wanted to try, or things we love but don't normally splurge on. During our wanderings we came across a new breakfast product - Good Food Made Simple's Frozen Steel Cut Oatmeal. We were intrigued and decided to purchase a few boxes (it was on sale which is part of how we discovered it). 

The ingredients are simple and wholesome - Steel cut oats, water, sea salt - and then of course a few other things depending on which flavor you get. So far we have tried the Vermont Maple Syrup and the Berry. Both are delicious, easy to make in the microwave, make a huge bowl of oatmeal, and for a processed food are very simple in ingredients. 

They're website does not say they use GF oats, but Logician ate them without any troubles that I know of. So GF-ers be cautious. There is however no dairy, no artificial sugars, no soy, no sesame, no corn syrup. It's lovely and delicious with a cup of tea for breakfast!

Happy Eating!

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