Monday, January 14, 2013

Reboot #1 of 2013 - Day 1

It's 2013 - time to get healthy and back on track (I know we all say that every year don't we). We have now reached a point where our schedules are stable enough to allow us to launch into our first Reboot of the year. We have really gotten away from our focused healthy eating habits as this last year drew to a close and we want to make sure this year is different.

We've been cutting out things over the last two weeks to prepare for this fast, including red meat, dairy, and grains as much as we were able to. We had some social engagements so some of that got lost in translation but we did our best. This morning we woke up ready to get juicing!

We inventoried the contents of our refrigerator went through what we had left from the CSA this weekend. That way we would have an idea of what we had and what we needed. We then sat down last night and looked over a collection of recipes from juices we like and picked the ones we wanted to make for the next few days.

For breakfast we decided to make a juice we'd tried a few weeks ago called Cranberry Citrus. It comes from the Reboot with Joe website (formerly, and we modified it slightly. The recipe calls for:

1 cup diced butternut squash
1 orange
1 cup cranberries
4-6 Collard Green Leaves (aprox 1 cup)

We opted to use kale instead as the stuff we receive from our CSA is some of the most delicious we've ever eaten. We also didn't have any oranges in the house as we don't normally keep citrus on hand - so we opted to use from fresh squeezed juice we also purchased at our local farmer's market. We drank our morning lemon and ginger "tea" as we prepped the juice and then enjoyed it for a few minutes before juicing our breakfast.

 See the picture of the glass after the jump -

So there it is. It's very green for having so much orange in it! I'm not a huge fan of super green juice, though Logician L-O-V-E-S them. I was able to drink it because I added a bit of extra orange juice. This is a 16 ounce glass - which as I mentioned in my previous post on juicing - is about all I can stomach at breakfast.

We then skated off to our acupuncture appointments before heading over to the local grocer to pick up some extra supplies for the next few days. We spent about $50 truth be told, but it should last us longer than we think it will. It usually does. When we got home we got straight to making lunch - Gazpacho Juice (again from Reboot). We've made this juice several times and it just never seems to come out correctly or flavorful. It always tastes of onion.

Again we did a little modification - the original recipe calls for:

4 Plum Tomatoes
1 Large Cucumber
2 Stalks Celery
1 Red Bell Pepper
1/4 Small Red Onion
2 Cups Parsley - leaves and stems
1 lime (PEELED)

We doubled it and since we were a bit shy on parsley we added about six to ten stems of cilantro. We used maybe 1/16th of a very small (golf ball sized) red onion. Lesson for next time - only use one lime.

The juice itself came out very thick but unfortunately we couldn't keep the tomato pulp as it also had some parsley goo (a very unpleasant side effect of not having a masticating juicer). We were concerned as the onion turned everything purple when it went through the hopper but it turned out alright. It still needs some improvement. I'm not sure if the tomatoes we use aren't high enough standard or what, but it always comes out just off.

Here is the juice unaltered in the glass (sorry it's not a clear glass, I forgot). This was Logician's glass. He didn't want to add any hot sauce and went light on the black pepper when he added it.

I however decided to add black pepper, salt, and hot sauce to mine. This is what it looked like before I stirred it. Somewhat artfully done really. I personally felt that once it was spiced up a little and had a couple of ice cubes thrown in - it was a very tasty juice. I love tomato juice though I am really still adjusting to the homemade variety and not the tomato paste that is sold as juice in the stores.

Tonight for dinner Logician is inventing a juice for himself featuring papaya. I will be having rice (white as it's leftover and don't want to waste it) with white beans and stewed tomatoes along side mashed cauliflower.

I feel really lucky to have today to start because I don't have to work this afternoon and can go take a nap! My stomach hasn't really caught onto the fact we're doing a Reboot yet, but the hunger has been trying to catch up to me all day. My goal is to try to do it for fifteen days and if possible extend to thirty. I will have to see how it goes as I have been really busy at work.

But here's to more fruit and vegetables in my life! Juice on!

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