Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reboot #1 2013 - Day 2

Today is rough for me. I'm feeling really tired and sapped of energy, my skin feels like it's staging a coup, and I am just in general feeling achy. Logician seems to be having a better time with this, but he always does. Juicing seems to make his body happier more than anything else.

Lucky bugger.

So last night for dinner I got to have my solid meal for the day. I did 'cheat' a bit as I had white rice, but it was left over and didn't want to waste it. He invented himself a juice out of what we had available, since we try to leave room in our meal planner to use up our fresh veggies and fruits.

He created a concoction using cranberries, two carrots, papaya, sweet potato, butternut squash, and a variety of choy. He said it was too sweet (likely because of my addition of the potato) but it made just about 20 oz of juice so it was perfectly sized for his dinner. He was having a wonderful time and really enjoying having only liquid food yesterday. Meanwhile just about dinner time I started to slump. My body was confused and wondering just what in the heck I was doing to it.

Thankfully dinner time is time for my solid meal. I tend to choose to eat my solid meal when it will be the most beneficial in the overall picture. Most of the time it is best for me to eat my solid meal during my 'lunch' at work. The exception there being Thursdays as I work in the morning. So last night I whipped up a batch of mashed cauliflower and a bean and rice dish. The red plate was not the best choice for it to show the contrast, but alas. I was hungry and not thinking. I used a little bit of almond milk in the cauliflower but it still had a somewhat chunky texture. Which I actually liked. The beans and rice have baby bella mushrooms, tinned/canned stewed tomatoes, white northern beans, garlic, ginger, and fresh cilantro added at the end. It was quite tasty and helped energize me and get me through the rest of day one.

This morning we had a bit of a conundrum as our schedules don't allow him to make a juice for lunch here at the house. So we decided to triple up on our morning juice so that he would have a serving to take for lunch.We decided to try out another Reboot Recipe (honestly the most beneficial juice recipes we've found so far come from the Reboot site) called Green Morning Glory. This recipe is supposed to be more energizing than coffee and to be good for you. I must admit - I was very afraid of the taste of this juice.

Green Morning Glory -

5-6 Large Kale Leaves
3 Romaine Leaves
Large handful of Spinach
3 ribs Celery
1 Green Apple
1 Cucumber
1 Lemon

Our changes were pretty small. I cut the lemon down to 1 1/2 as our lemons are super juicy. Next time I think I would go with one. We also didn't have three green apples so we substituted in a Rome Apple.

As you can see, there is A LOT of green in that bowl. A lot. I was scared but determined to keep an open mind. We juiced it (and got a full 16oz serving of juice just from the greens and one cucumber) and prepared ourselves to try it.

And here she is - Green Morning Glory. It amounted to two 20 oz servings (His breakfast and lunch) and one 16 oz serving (my breakfast). We had to scoop some foam off the top (green juices are always foamy for us and neither of us can stand the foam). But all in all it looked just like Mean Green. Which of course made me worry it tasted like it. We cleaned up and toasted to our health before diving into our breakfast. Thankfully it did not taste like grass (which I was expecting). It had too much lemon for me but was a smooth and tasty juice. In fact I liked this one better than Mean Green - which prior to now had been my green juice of choice.

He went off to school and I started plotting out what I was going to make for a lunch juice. I settled on the theme of a salad. As usual when I took the picture there wasn't enough in my little bowl for the full serving I needed. I also could not think of what else to add when I snapped the picture. I ended up adding a carrot (which was as long as my ARM! I cut it in half, so really two normal carrots) and two more tomatoes which was just enough to get me to where I needed to be.

It contains:
5 Leaves Romaine
1 Handful Spinach
Half a small Bok Choi
1 Danjou Pear
1 tomato
1 one inch thick round papaya diced
Tiny piece of ginger

It came out a bit too sweet and watery for me, but overall was a pleasant juice and easy to drink. I was able to sip on it while I worked on my solid meal, and thankfully it was enough to keep me from devouring my solid meal in one go!

My solid meal consists of another bean mix without the rice. I added the mashed cauliflower to it and decided to add a bit of the carrot pulp from the juice to it as well. Then I steamed some frozen Brussel sprouts, baked a sweet potato in the microwave, and sauteed the other half of the Choi. I put it all in a glass bowl in a some what decorative/Bento fashion to help me feel like I am going on an eating adventure instead of what my brain is trying to tell me - that I'm depriving myself.

It's been a very odd situation as I have felt hungry when I'm not, craved sweets (which isn't usually my thing), and been desperate to eat almost anything solid. It's good to experience this however as it means my body has gotten out of whack and needs to be realigned.

We did not weigh ourselves right before juicing, I am hoping to do so today (we don't own a scale so I use the one at the grocer next to work) and to see how things are going! Day 2 is half over, it'll all be okay!

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