Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reboot #1 2013 - Day 3

Today sucks.

Plain and simple. I have a huge headache, my body is angry at me for doing this, and I am really tired. Even Logician is feeling a bit sore and tired today (though he isn't sure it's the reboot that's doing it). Today is the type of day you want to curl up in bed and stay there.

But there were things to get done. Logician has class today and since getting up early immediately following my latest night at work isn't always easy, he opted to make a "Quick Juice" this morning. Essentially it is store bought Green Juice (in this case Trader Joe's Green Juice), with Rice Protein powder, and Amazing Greens powder mixed in. We try not to make these too often but it's nice to have a fall back item in case we're tired, busy, or both. As he has a very busy day at school he also will have a second one for lunch.

Since I have the morning here at home I decided to invent some juices for myself. I usually prefer recipes as I have no idea how to make enough juice for a serving just by guessing. I ALWAYS end up adding something after the picture is snapped.

So here's breakfast:

 Sunny Breakfast:

1 Rome Apple
5 Leaves Kale
1 two inch round Butternut Squash
1 one two inch round Papaya
2 Carrots
2 Oz Orange Juice

I hadn't originally intended to use the orange juice but ended up needing a few more ounces of juice. It had a pleasant flavor, though it seemed a few of the flavors didn't mesh as well as I would have liked. I think grapefruit would have been really nice in this, or maybe just regular grapes instead of the apple. For a green juice it didn't taste green at all.

I wanted to get everything out of the way this morning, so I capitalized on the energy spurt I had to make my breakfast and went ahead and made my lunch juice and my solid meal for the day. I will likely drink my lunch juice on the bus ride to work. If I don't get hungry before!

This was another invention juice and I surprised myself by choosing to use cabbage and fennel. Two flavors I'm not usually fond of.

1/4 Fennel bulb including top
1/2 small Green Cabbage (not Napa)
4 Carrots (only two in the picture)
1 Handful Spinach
1 Danjou Pear

This one was fairly close to the right amount of juice, but since it was a bit shy I added two more carrots. I tasted a sip of it before I put it in a bottle to carry with me. It actually tastes pretty delicious. Even though it has a bit strong Fennel flavor it seems to work well. It was some what sweet but also has the flavor of the veggies.

For my solid meal today I have a baked sweet potato; steamed cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts; and a salad (romaine, spinach, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, Annie's Green Garlic Dressing). I have a small bag of cashews I'm carrying with me - raw, unsalted - to use as in between snack.

I weighed myself yesterday and found I am at 217. It makes me kind of sad as after the third Reboot last year I was down to 204. But if I look at it over all I'm still down from the 230 I started at last year. I'd really like to work to get below 200 this year. I don't think that will happen with just one Reboot and no dietary changes however.

I really am looking to this Reboot to reset my system again. My main goals for this are:

1) To clear out my digestive track, help restore beneficial digestive health, and function.
2) To clear out the histamines and junk that are associated with my dairy allergy*
3) To clear out Carb cravings - as it's my goal to cut out wheat as much as possible, and eat more whole, organic, non-GMO grains like Quinoa.
4) To help restore my hydration levels
5) To lose a little weight

The * on the Dairy Allergy is because so far our at home testing seems to suggest that I have an allergy to cows milk. Goats milk does not seem to have the same effect on my system. I will however be testing that theory more specifically once I have finished this Reboot.

I think one of the most interesting experiences of this Reboot so far happened yesterday. I went into the Grocery store to purchase a Bolthouse juice to have as a "second" lunch and found I was not tempted by any of the food around me. Some of the smells made my stomach growl but I found I didn't really want anything other than the juice I had set my mind to. The same thing happened at dinner time at work. People were eating all kinds of smelly things (taquitos, chicken tenders, tv dinners) and they smelled good but I did not want to imbibe them.

I learn so much about my body and how it functions (good and bad) when I do these Juicing Fasts. I'm really thankful to my client who turned me onto the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Because without that inspiration I don't know that this idea would have ever just come to me.

Namaste and Stay Juiced!

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