Friday, January 18, 2013

Reboot 2013 #1 Days 4 & 5

We're feeling a bit better today but I think part of that is because we had to make a switch to our Reboot plan. We've switched to Juicing and Eating, where our one solid meal is a bit more flexible. I had to do this as I was simply too hungry and I felt like junk.

I also weighed myself yesterday and hadn't lost anything yet. Which makes it hard to want to continue. I wasn't feeling better, I didn't have less cravings, and I wasn't losing weight. Arg! Enter an idea and dinner with friends.

We went to Jason's Deli - which has an amazing salad bar for dinner. During which time we discussed that this juicing three times a day for him, and two times (three when working but I bought store bought juice) and eating once just didn't feel right for our bodies. We're a lot more active now than we were during the last Reboot and I felt like my body was starving.

So Day 4 - we're still fasting but we're amending it to include a healthy meal. This didn't go great this morning as I slept in and we went shopping before we made our breakfast juice. But first things first - Day 4.

Yesterday was Logician's last day of school for the week and my early day at work. Which shifted our schedule quite a bit! So we again made enough juice at breakfast to have enough for his lunch juice. I decided I would by a store bought for my work lunch. We had decided to go to dinner with friends so I was saving my solid meal for that.

The night before we had both been pretty hungry at the end of the night so we went for a smoothie and I got a veggie wrap. I felt a bit guilty for doing it but I had been very tired from working and felt pretty bad. So I felt like I needed some more solid food. Our juice for breakfast yesterday was another hodge podge of what we have at home.

We used Papaya, Carrots, Kale, apples, ginger, celery, and of course some orange juice. It was very tasty.

Logician had this for lunch as well and I had a Bolthouse Blue Goodness. Then we both had salad and soup from Jason's.

Then this morning we again went through what we had and put together a brunch juice. I did pick up some cucumbers, apples, grapefruit, and oranges yesterday. But we didn't use much of those.

As you can see it was a bit greenish yellow and the glass came out the same way. But it was still tasty. So tonight we're having either a juice or another solid meal, we haven't yet decided. Then tomorrow it's juicing and hot pot!

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