Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I didn't fall off a cliff, well not physically

Another big gap in blogging. I could say a lot about intention and how I intend to update this more regularly starting in January but I can't promise that will happen.

What I can say is that eating properly is becoming something that NEEDS to happen in my life. I have been eating pretty poorly (not all the time but I have been consuming far too much dairy) and I have gained back a lot of the weight I lost during the three Reboots I did last year.

Starting in January we're planning on Rebooting again. It will likely start on the sixth as we will be out of town a bit before that and it would be really difficult for us to haul everything we would need to do so.

I've been really happy with some changes we have made however - like joining a CSA. We joined Swallowtail Farms, a local CSA that is relatively new (this is their second year I believe). So far we have had  a lot of greens (perfect for juicing), some amazing jewel yams, and all sorts of interesting things happening in every weekly pickup. This has also encouraged us to purchase hormone and antibiotic free, free range chicken and pork, along with whole hog sausage, free range eggs, and for him some goats milk fudge (it has butter in it so I didn't venture to try it).

I've been getting back on the wagon this week as far as working to cut out dairy again. I have made up my mind that next year will be the year I kick Cow based dairy for good. I still need to experiment with Sheep and Goat based dairy items to see if I have issues with them but as far as Cow based dairy goes, I'm done. I simply cannot stand to continue to consume something that makes me so ill.

I'm hoping once we've done the juicing fast/Reboot in January I will be able to test some other possible food allergies/sensitivities by using an elimination style diet. It may be that next year is the year I go commercial meat free if I can avoid it. It's a lofty goal, so we will see where I end up.

I can't wait to juice it up, as such I am already working on preparing my body to hit the ground running! We're starting tomorrow with Mean Green made with organic apples and carrots, and CSA greens. Woo!

Happy Holidays!

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