Monday, October 8, 2012

A Missing Blogger

So it's been ages again since I updated. Things have been crazy with work, the war on cleaning the house, and Logician starting Acupuncture School (yep a massage therapist and a acupuncturist in the same house!).

I made him a few Bento for the first few days of school, but it became so much easier to pack a bag of instant Vietnamese Soup (ramen but with rice noodles) and send him to school with that and a Lara bar. But not exceptionally healthy...

So now we're trying an alternate plan of making things in the slow cooker (or on the stove) which we can eat for several days in a row. We made a quick chili last week that took us three days to finish, followed by a beef stew/pot roast contraption that took two or three more days. We sort of fell off the wagon a bit this weekend as I was on vacation from work for a few days, but today we're getting back in the grove with some homemade veggie broth which will become chicken soup.

I checked out Cybele Pascale's Allergy Free Baking cookbook from the library and tried several different recipes from it over the course of the last month. The Red Velvet cake is always wonderful, though the second time I made it I attempted to make homemade powdered sugar out of coconut sugar.

It turned out moderately well, though the icing was a soft toffee brown from the sugar rather than white. It also tasted a bit maple syrup like. Next time I will leave out the vanilla in the icing. Using the coconut sugar however allowed me to make a white sugar free version of the cake, which was amazing!

We also made the Vanilla Scones, though we did not like the way those turned out as much. We're a bit low on the baking flour at this point, so I had to stop while I was ahead. But I did use her recipe for Matzoh as an inspiration to make homemade Matzoh and Matzoh ball soup (GF, DF, Soy Free, but contained egg). It was just as deliciously wonderful.

Vanilla Scones, while cooling

So all in all, fun adventures in cooking are still happening just not making it to press. The Farmer's Market we go to has been dwindling down as summer pressed on. We're hoping it will start to pick up again now that the cooler (supposedly cooler) weather is coming. I leave you with some Bento and Onigiri pictures!

A friend asked for Onigiri instead of Birthday Cake. She also got homemade Kimchi!

This was for school one day, steamed carrots, pork sung filled onigiri, and homemade kimchi.

More pork filled onigiri, plain rice balls, cherries, raisins, snow peas... Oh my.

I am hoping to get back into the Super Secret and What's on Hand challenges, so check back soon!

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