Monday, December 2, 2019

Holiday Thoughts

November and December are tricky times to be working on your health and staying focused on healthy eating. With all the holidays there are constant cookies, cakes, and get togethers that offer the opportunity to eat far beyond your calorie limit. There's days off with your family that you may not have had in months, which beg for sleeping in and doing things that aren't working out and you cannot forget the addition of nearly constant family dynamics for two months. It's very hard to work out how to visit all the family members, deal with the special blend of personality each family group has, and try to keep yourself focused and dedicated to a health plan and lifestyle change. 

Thankfully Noom has given me some good insight in to the way I eat, some of the triggers that lead me to overeat, and a better handle on giving myself permission to indulge without eating the whole pumpkin pie. 

My biggest struggle right now is staying focused on the now, the moment we're in right now. My mind is very happy to wander off and think about the next thing I'm going to do, instead of paying attention to how the food I'm eating is tasting, feeling, smelling, etc. 

And since I am trying to get back into a workout habit I've joined an accountability group/bootcamp for December and I'm starting the BeachBody program TurboFire. I've already done the first workout a few times, and let me tell you this workout is intense. 

This time however, instead of trying to follow the calendar for the program religiously, I am going to take my time to get down the basic moves and understand the fundamentals of the program before I move forward. 

So far the only area of "conflict" between doing Noom and adding in a BeachBody workout plan, is the difference in caloric intake the two programs recommend. That said I am going to work with my Noom Coach to help balance that out, and I am sure I can blend the two programs pretty seamlessly. 

So this weeks goals:

  1. Be more mindful - eating, listening, just being in the world stay in the Now
  2. Create the workout habit - I'm working out in the morning, I've put it on the calendar and made it a date with myself. 
  3. Kept working towards work/life balance - it's time to set boundaries and make sure I am taking care of myself.

What are your goals for the week? 

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