Saturday, July 14, 2012

Howdy Y'all

It's been a while since I posted last for many reasons. We've been really bad about our eating lately (well up until about three days ago) and were going out to eat far more than we should have been. We have since realized our folly (putting back on all the weight we lost was a good indication) and have gone back to a more mindful, local, and organic way of eating again.

It's such a battle to maintain your way of eating in today's world (especially here in America). Fast food signs light up the night, quick and easy options that are neither prepared with love or attention are around every bend, and it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life.

So today we made the decision to stop! (Or at least try to)

Today we went to the farmer's market as we always do but due to the time of year the pickings are growing more limited. Last week we didn't buy much of anything, and this week we only bought eggs and onions. We then went to the local organic market and were surprised to see that they didn't have much in stock either! It seems we have finally stumbled into Florida's less productive growing season (not sure though, have one more store to try tomorrow). We initially had plans to meet friends at CYM Coffee Co for a coffee morning, but had to rain check those plans for now. So we were left trying to figure out what to do about breakfast.

Now the more we look at it, the more it is truly impossible for us to go out to eat at most places in town. Either they are great dairy free options for me, or there are wheat free options for him, but hardly anywhere in between for standard breakfast fare. Plus as we've discovered, those two ingredients hide in an array of things you might not expect them to be in. So what should we do?

Well the easiest answer was eat breakfast at home! Take time to lovingly prepare the food we already had purchased or were going to purchase and to enjoy them at our own pace. So we went to our local market and picked up a few things. One of which was Udi's Cinnamon Raisin Bagels. These are GF, DF, and SF and they are delicious! In fact they are better than the local ones we had previously, and slightly cheaper.

We also found Teechino - an herbal coffee replacement with no caffeine. So we came home, cracked open the can of Bay Harbor Maple Syrup Flavored Smoked Boneless Sardine Fillets, toasted the bagels in the oven (we are currently sans toaster), and I cooked myself some of the delicious farmer's market eggs. Add a touch of EarthBalance spread and the Dreamin' Berry Strawberry Lavender jelly and it was a breakfast in heaven!

It was so nice to be able to sit at the table, eat mindfully, and enjoy each others company. This is a new treat as until two weeks ago Logician worked Saturday mornings. What a great start to the day!

I am still trying to get back to Super Secret Tuesdays and will even have an extra person to cook for this week (maybe). So that should be fun!

Be mindful, enjoy life, and bring gratitude to all you do!

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